Monday Motivation: Encourage someone

Well I guess I’ve officially run out of things to motivate on for the moment. In an earlier motivation, I called for you to motivate somebody else.

Let’s try this again, but with a little more content. Specifically, encourage someone. Your friend. Lover. Momma. Co-worker. If you see someone is feeling down, send a kind word to them. Chances are, all of us know somebody with cancer, sadly. Give that person an encouraging word.

If they don’t take it; too bad. You did your job. Make a sincere effort and sleep well tonight.

There’s a lot of stuff going on in this world that can make ya feel like crap. Well, this blog’s main goal is to encourage. It’s almost a sin that it took me this many motivations before getting to this one.

If we all keep encouraging each other to keep going through the fire, we’ll get through it, or at least bare it better.

Dante Writes