Weekly News 7

I got some news for ya!

I’ll let you decide if this is weird or good news but doctors were able to grow another nose for a man…on his forehead:

After a Chinese man’s nose was irreparably damaged from infection, his doctors decided to “grow” a second nose on the man’s forehead to replace the original nose.

If you’re lazy and don’t want to hit the link, here’s a picture. I bet that’ll spark your interest:


The medical field is making progress. My only issue is…well…look at him…he’s my age and I can’t imagine living like that.

For good news, we have a dog that saved a baby from crawling into the ocean. First of all, I’m glad the dog saved the kid. Second, the parents might want to keep an eye on him. Just my opinion.
For weird news, termites are so hard to get rid of because apparently, their poop helps resist poisons. Wait, I’m not done yet. So, scientists say the poop forms a “force field” that protects the little guys from harm. Well ain’t that story full of…